Two years after its founding in 1916, the Assemblies of God (AG) established 16 doctrines as a standard to reach, preach and teach people. These doctrines became our Statement of Fundamental Truths.
We value and embrace these personally in our hearts and to flesh them out as priorities in our lives.
Salvation: the core of our Christian faith by proclaiming God’s victory over sin in our lives. John 3, Romans 6:23
Baptism in the Holy Spirit: Enduement of power for life and service, the receiving of the gifts and their uses in ministry. Acts 1, Acts 8:12-17
Divine Healing: Our Lord continues to heal today. Scriptures command believers to pray in faith and trust God for the outcome. Luke 6:19, James 5:14-16
the Second Coming of Christ: Believers may rest in the certainty of the imminent return of our Lord and share this hope with others. Luke 21:34-36, I Thessalonians 4:16-17
For more detailed information visit the Assemblies of God (USA) Official Web Site